So, this is my first blog here. I wish you will enjoy my blog here (and I wish I update this blog often =p ).
This is my pet, he is a chinchilla. His name is Gut Gut, he is 5 years old. I got him from the SPCA 3 years ago, together with another two chinchillas. I adpoted all three of them because they are in one family and I didn't want to separate them.
Gut Gut is the big brother of the family, he has big ears and he likes grooming his two younger members.
I need to clean their cage every morning before coming to the school, so I have to wake up early. I'm OK with it because I see it as a responsibility to animals. If you keep animals, you must give them enough care and love, this is a commitment.

You see, he was sleeping in daytime, they are nocturnal animals, that means they are active at night and sleep at day.
During winter, the 3 chinchillas will hug each other to sleep because it is warmer.
Do you have a pet? What is your pet? Please write to me about your pet, you can also post your pet's photos to me.