I am sure all of you are aware of the fact that there have been some Chinese celebrations happening near our school this week. And you probably have seen this temporary construction just opposite to our school:
This is a temporary theatre built by bamboo sticks and zinc plates. People can watch Chinese opera on stage. This is part of the Tin Hau's (Queen of Heaven, or Goddess of the Sea) Birthday celebrations.
Ma Wan, where our school is, is a fisherman island. Many years ago, people from Ma Wan were mostly fishermen and some tourists still come here to eat yummy seafood. For the fishermen, Tin Hau is very important to them because they believe that the Goddess will protect them when they are fishing in the rough sea. Hence every year on her birthday the fishermen celebrate it. In old times it was one of the big days because people could go out and watch lion dance and Chinese opera.