2009年3月21日 星期六

Rap that announcement!

How many times have you listened to an aircraft announcement? Well, every time you go on board a flight you must hear an announcement telling you the basic information. Sometimes it's quite boring to hear because it is all about the same thing. And yes, this flight attendant has the same feeling about boring aircraft announcement, so, he did this - RAP this out!

The first minute of the video was about David Holmes, the flight attendant of Southwest airline, introducing himself and inviting the passengers to clap a beat for his rap, as you watch the video, you can also refer to the following lyrics (it's only part of the rap, I only managed to find that much on the Internet).
"I've had five flights today and I can't do the regular boring announcement again otherwise I am going to put myself to sleep."

"Shortly after take-off, first things first/there's soft drinks and coffee to quench your first"

"Carry-on items go under the seat/in front of you so none of you have things by your feet.

"Before we leave, our advice is/put away your electronic devices."

"If you have a seat on a row with an exit/we're gonna talk to you so you might as well expect it. You gotta help us out in case we need you/if you don't want to then we're gonna reseat you."

"I didn't know how they were going to react, but I like to have fun at work. People started getting off the plane and said to me 'that's the first time I have listened to the emergency instructions'."

Speaking after the break down, David Holmes said he was worried how the passangers would react, but was satisfied in the end.
By the way, do you know David Holmes, the flight attendant in our story, shares the same family name with one of the most famous novel character?

2 則留言:

匿名 提到...

Dear Miss Nickie,
It is very interesting.

匿名 提到...

Dear Nickie,

This is Kiri from 4E.

It is fast I can't hear!