2009年5月31日 星期日

The Big Blue

Last Saturday I went to IFC 2 to see a baby blue whale. Well, it wasn't a real one. It was a real size model of it. Blue whale is the biggest mammal on earth and an endangered species. That means there are getting less whales in this world and one day we may not be able to see any blue whale anymore.

The baby whale model behind me is about 9 meters long. An adult whale can be as long as 2 buses! And its heart is as big as a small car. Although they are very big, they feed on small shrimps only. So you can imagine how many shrimps they eat every day.
Dirty ocean, big ships, over-fishing and whale hunting are the main reasons why blue whales are getting less. So, if you want to save the big blue whales, make sure you don't make the ocean dirty, do not eat too much seafood (yes, I know it is yummy, but eating less means the sea animals can eat more) and, if you go to Japan, do not buy or eat whale meat.

Let's work together to keep this earth clean and healthy for all human and animals!
