2009年5月5日 星期二

Funny Animal Video Exercise 2

OK, here's another practise.

Character: Griz the Bear and Larry the Lynx (or big cat).
Background: the thing Griz counting is called "Mileage", it's a scheme carried out by most airlines, "miles" refer to the distance flown by an airplane. The more "miles" you have, the easier you get a free airplane ticket to go travel again. That's why Griz is so concerned about the "miles" he has

Both Griz and Larry are flying.

Griz: (focused on his counting) 690, 691, 692...

Larry: (calm and cool) Hi Griz.

Griz: Hey Larry. (still busy counting) 693

Larry: What are you doing?

Griz: I'm counting my miles, Larry. 694 (still busy counting)

Larry: (trying to disturb Griz) 197

Griz: 695. Quiet Larry! (so that he can focus on his counting) 696

Larry: 232

Griz: (angryily) Would you cut that out? 697

Larry: 780

Griz: Seven hundred eight..... (clearly he's disturbed by Larry) OH NO! (shaking his head) You did it!

Larry: That was easy.

Griz: (since he failed to count he has to start from the top) 1, 2

Larry: 9 (still disturbing Griz)

Griz: 3, 4 ...

Larry: 7

Griz: Stop it Larry!!!

What can you learn:

** count in an English way

Usually, when we see 697, we read it as "six hundred and ninety-seven". But in spoken English, especially American English, we usually break it down into 6-97, so we read it as "six ninety-seven" and we understand that is 697.

Have fun!

3 則留言:

匿名 提到...

Dear Nickie,

This is kiri from 4E.

The video is fun!

Miss Nickie 提到...

Lovely, hope you enjoy it.

Miss Nickie

匿名 提到...

Dear Miss Nickie,
I am Ryan from 4E,
this video was very funny and it was so great!