2009年10月21日 星期三

What do you do at festivals?

Hi all!

Mid-Autumn Festival just passed, and Chung Yeung Festival is coming. I am sure a lot of you are enjoying yourself in these festivals.

I would like to talk about how I usually spend Christmas, one of my favorite festivals.

In Hong Kong, it is not very cold in Christmas, sometimes you can see people wearing shorts during Christmas. I really hope I can have a white snowy Christmas so I can play with snow. I usually meet my friends and family in Christmas and we will have a big Christmas dinner.
Although turkey is a common Christmas food, we do not have it in Christmas dinner because it is too big. We go to a hotel to have Christmas buffet. We eat a lot of delicious food!

Then, we will walk around Tsim Sha Tsui to look at the beautiful lights on buildings. It is good to have a talk after a big dinner. I like Peninsula Hotel the most. The hotel usually dangle stars outside and I like looking at it. The twinkling stars are so beautiful!

2009年10月15日 星期四

Animal Fact: Koala

I will introduce lots of cute animals here. Hope you'll enjoy it and learn more about them. Koala, sometimes mistakenly known as Koala Bear, is not bear at all. They are trademarks of Australia. Here are some facts about Koala.

1. Like kangaroos, they have pouch for their babies.

2. Baby koalas are called "joey".

3. Koala, in aboriginal language, means "no water", they don't really need to drink water. So they can stay on tree all the time.

4. They sleep for 22 hours a day, and when they wake up, they eat.

5. You can seldom see 2 koalas on the same tree. (Except mother koala and joey, of course.)

2009年10月5日 星期一


I like firework very much. And I like watching it in real than on TV. In September, I went to Macau to watch the beautiful firework. There were 2 shows of firework that night and I really enjoyed it. Gold, red, blue, green.... all sparkles in the dark sky. I like watching it with my friends and I was happy to know that my friends like firework, too. After that we had a yummy dinner and took a ferry back to Hong Kong, we were so tired but happy.
What about you? Did you watch firework in Hong Kong at 1st October?

2009年10月4日 星期日

Hi! Good to see you again!

Hello everyone!

How are you? I was away from school for 3 months and I am happy to be back on 5th October. I hope all of you are enjoying your new year in school?

I'm sure a lot of you went to other countries in summer holiday. I went to Australia for 3 weeks in July and had a very good holiday.

I stayed in this place called Melbourne and went to Tasmania and Sydney. It was winter in Australia. It was very cold and I wore a lot of thick clothes to keep me warm. I went whale-watching in Sydney, and I saw real whales! I was so excited.

I also went to Taronga Zoo in Sydney, it is one of the biggest zoos in the world. I was so happy because I like animals. In the picture below you can see me patting a small kangaroo. Yes, you can only find kangaroos in Australia.

I also see Koalas and other cute animals. Hope to share more about my trip with you later.