2009年10月15日 星期四

Animal Fact: Koala

I will introduce lots of cute animals here. Hope you'll enjoy it and learn more about them. Koala, sometimes mistakenly known as Koala Bear, is not bear at all. They are trademarks of Australia. Here are some facts about Koala.

1. Like kangaroos, they have pouch for their babies.

2. Baby koalas are called "joey".

3. Koala, in aboriginal language, means "no water", they don't really need to drink water. So they can stay on tree all the time.

4. They sleep for 22 hours a day, and when they wake up, they eat.

5. You can seldom see 2 koalas on the same tree. (Except mother koala and joey, of course.)

5 則留言:

匿名 提到...

I like this Koala too.

3E Kwok Wai (15)

Miss Nickie 提到...

Hi Kwok Wai,

Have you seen a real Koala?

I saw a real one in Australia in July. :)

Miss Nickie

匿名 提到...

Dear Nickie,

This is Kiri from 5B

This Koala is cute and I like this too!!!!

Miss Nickie 提到...

Hi Kiri,

Have you seen a Koala in zoo?

Miss Nickie

匿名 提到...

Dear Nickie,

This is Kiri from 5B.

No,I haven't seen aKoala~