2010年4月18日 星期日

Earthquake in Qinghai

I think most of you have read about the earthquake at Qinghai provinice, China last week. The exact point of earthquake was at Yushu Prefecture. The magnitude of the earthquake was 7.1.

The earthquake was so strong that many buildings were soon flattened down into debris. Many people there were made homeless, they needed to stay outside with no food and water.

Qinghai is a province with many Tibetans. So there are many Lamas, or monks, living there. They played an important role in resue because they have been living in the area for a long time and their bodies are fit enough to save people. Many other rescue teams have problems in their body because Yushu is a very high land, the air is very thin and it can make people dizzy.

Of course, as a Hongkonger, you must have heard of the story of a great hero called Wong Fuk-wing. He sacrificed his life to save the orphans who were trapped in the debris.

2 則留言:

匿名 提到...

Dear Nickie,

This is kiri from 5B.

I think Qinghal's people are pitiful because so me people lost their family>_<.I am afaid of earthquake,how about you?

Miss Nickie 提到...

Hi Kiri,

I think we are very lucky to live in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is a place with very little natural disasters and our buildings are all very safe. So I guess you don't have to be afraid of earthquake here in Hong Kong. :)

Since we are such lucky people, I think it is important that we can offer help to those in need, and treasure what we have.

Have a good day.

Miss Nickie